Invisalign Treatment Process: What to Know
Today, the Invisalign treatment process feels like it’s been around forever. However, it’s still relatively new compared to traditional braces. While this orthodontic treatment grew in popularity, it didn’t garner much mainstream acceptance until about 2004.
Now, Invisalign accounts for around 6% of teen orthodontic treatments and around 31% of adult treatments. While more patients rely on traditional orthodontic treatments, many of them still inquire about these clear aligner trays. Mainly due to the discrete nature of the treatment.
Additionally, patients love that they can remove the trays because it limits the impact on their diet. If you have questions about Invisalign as an orthodontic treatment, book a consultation with your Rosenberg orthodontist today!
Understanding the Invisalign Treatment Process
Consult Your Rosenberg Orthodontist
When you want to explore your options, the best thing to do is consult your Rosenberg orthodontist. First, we have to determine the extent of your condition. While Invisalign is versatile as a treatment, it doesn’t work for every dental issue.
Additionally, we have to consider your specific situation and your willingness to adhere to the treatment. The Invisalign treatment process requires that you wear the aligners about 22 hours each day.
Furthermore, it’s important to understand what your dental insurance covers. We are happy to help you work through cost comparisons for different treatments. Moreover, we offer financing options to help break apart the cost so that it works with your budget.
As Invisalign providers and Rosenberg orthodontists, we strive to work with patients to make their experience comfortable. On your journey to a better smile, we want to provide excellence in service. Book your consultation to learn more.
Mapping Out Your Treatment Plan
Once we decide whether to pursue Invisalign, we take images of your teeth. This includes x-rays and photos as well as impressions of your teeth. This documentation helps us map out your treatment plan. When that’s ready, we send them off to a lab to fabricate your aligner trays.
At this point in the Invisalign treatment process, technicians input your information and generate 3D images of your teeth. This helps them establish a series of trays to move your teeth into the ideal positions.
At times, there’s some back and forth between our office and the technicians. This is because we want to ensure your treatment is picture perfect before we start. Once complete, they fabricate the aligner trays.
The Waiting Period
Invisalign trays take about a short time to fabricate and arrive at our office. When they are ready, we work with you to ensure they fit properly. That’s when the Invisalign treatment process really kicks off.
Wearing Your Aligners
Each set of aligner trays is different. Moreover, you have to wear them in a specific order. Over time, they shift your teeth. Wear each aligner set for two weeks.
As you work your way through the Invisalign treatment process, each new aligner set brings your teeth into straighter positions. It’s okay to remove the trays to eat and brush your teeth.
Otherwise, it’s essential that you wear them throughout your treatment. When you fail to wear the aligners for the right amount of time, it slows your progress.
This is because your next aligners won’t fit, which requires adjustment to your treatment plan.
Your Rosenberg Orthodontist Refines Your Smile
After the last set of aligners, the Invisalign treatment process is hopefully complete. However, many patients require some final adjustments. Due to the nature of the treatment, this is fairly normal.
When you visit your Rosenberg orthodontist, we inspect your teeth. If necessary, we order some final refinement trays. These help us make some final tweaks to bring straggling teeth into proper alignment.
Maintenance Mode
Similar to braces, orthodontic treatment with Invisalign lasts beyond what feels like the end. After the treatment, you have to wear retainers that help your jawbone solidify around the new position of your teeth.
In the Invisalign treatment process, they use a product called Vivera. These are similar to your other trays but a little thicker and more durable. You don’t have to change these out, though.
In some cases, we may utilize a wired retainer. Oftentimes, though, patients stick with the clear aligner trays. Wearing a retainer is essential in the months following your treatment.
However, the ideal situation is that you wear your retainer for some amount of time throughout the rest of your life. Typically, people choose to wear them at night so that they can sleep through the treatment and not worry over it throughout the day. This is necessary because your teeth constantly shift in some capacity. The retainer simply retains the position for you.
Ready to Check Out the Invisalign Treatment Process?
At Rosenberg Dental Group, we strive to provide excellence in all aspects of our service. From periodontal health to our Rosenberg orthodontic treatments, we provide personalized treatments to meet your needs.
Your journey to improved oral health is your own, and we all require different treatments. When you visit our clinic, you have a dedicated team ready to help you attain a healthy, beautiful smile. Book a consultation today and see what we can do for you!