Invisalign for Adults at Rosenberg Dental Group
Invisalign for adults changed the way people think about orthodontics. When you want to straighten your teeth, it’s not a “now or never” scenario. From young kids to teens to adults, it’s never a bad time to work toward a straight, healthy smile.
While traditional brackets are a popular choice for many, Invisalign appeals to most adults for a variety of reasons. However, the biggest reason so many opt for this orthodontic treatment is discretion. With Invisalign for adults, the clear aligners make the treatment discreet and easy.
Schedule an appointment with our Rosenberg Orthodontists today to see if Invisalign is right for you!
Why So Many Adults Choose Invisalign
Improved Comfort
When you choose Invisalign, the aligners are soft and made to fit your teeth. This means more comfort compared to traditional brackets. With braces, one of the most common problems is how uncomfortable adjustments are.
Moreover, the brackets and wires have the potential to poke and cut your mouth. This can leave sores on your gums and cheeks as you adjust to the changes.
Invisalign for Adults Means More Confidence
Over the course of your Invisalign treatment, your smile straightens before your eyes. Gradually, you see the alignment of your teeth change as your new smile starts to form. Oftentimes, this provides patients with a major confidence boost.
While you might only be partially through your treatment with our Rosenberg orthodontists, you start to notice the work you put in. Moreover, some patients even notice that they stop hiding their smiles long before the treatment ends!
No Diet Restrictions
Invisalign for adults appeals to so many patients because there are no restrictions on what they eat. With braces, people often fear the embarrassment that comes from food getting stuck in their brackets and wires. For adults who want to look professional in meetings, this is all the more terrifying.
When you choose Invisalign, eating is no problem because you remove the aligner trays whenever you eat. Just be sure to brush immediately before you put them back in place.
For our Invisalign patients, we stress the importance of removing aligners before you eat or drink anything aside from water. Food and drink can damage or stain the trays. Moreover, sugars trapped under the aligners cause decay to otherwise healthy teeth.
That’s why an oral hygiene routine is so important throughout the Invisalign for adults treatment.
Far More Convenient
Busy adults often don’t have the time to commit to lengthy adjustment appointments for braces. Luckily, the Invisalign treatment process is straightforward. You wear every set of aligners for a certain amount of time before moving on to the next set.
Your Rosenberg orthodontist helps set your schedule in advance to ensure we have time to evaluate your progress. As for the aligners, all we have to do is make sure the fit is correct.
Still, it’s important to remember that we are here for you whenever you have issues! Whether you lose or damage an aligner, we are available to help you adjust.
At Rosenberg Dental Group, we strive to make Invisalign for adults an affordable option for anyone who wants a straighter smile. However, we understand that paying one lump sum doesn’t work for everyone. That’s why we are happy to offer financing and payment plans to fit your budget!
When you visit our Rosenberg orthodontists, our team is happy to help you understand your options between insurance and financing. Our goal is to make the process as simple as possible to ensure you have everything you need. Let us help you pursue a healthy smile!
Investment in Your Oral Health
It’s never too late to pursue the smile of your dreams! Invisalign for adults is a great treatment plan that helps many adults move their teeth to attain a straight smile. Moreover, straight teeth mean a more functional bite. That helps to improve your overall oral health.
All you have to do is adjust your routine and brush your teeth every time you remove your plastic aligners. Unlike with traditional braces and rubber bands, your hygiene routine doesn’t require much change.
At Rosenberg Dental Group, we work hard to help solve an array of dental issues as your orthodontists. We help patients successfully overcome misaligned teeth, crooked teeth, underbites, overbites, spacing, and crowding.
Braces or Invisalign for Adults: Ready to Start?
While many adults see successful treatment with Invisalign, some severe cases require the added power of braces. The best way to learn whether you are a candidate for Invisalign is to visit our Rosenberg orthodontists!
Schedule a consultation with our team today! After a quick exam, we can tell you whether Invisalign for adults is the right treatment for you. In many cases, people are candidates. Let us help you on the road to a straighter smile!