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How to Instill Good Oral Health Habits in Kids

How to Instill Good Oral Health Habits in Kids

When you want to instill good oral health habits in kids, our Rosenberg dentists are ready to help your family establish a better understanding of your dental health. Among kids, tooth decay and cavities are some of the most consistent yet preventable childhood diseases

When you establish the importance of good oral hygiene with your children, they have a much lower risk. Moreover, they have the potential to prevent tooth decay completely. That’s why it is essential for parents to instill good oral hygiene habits in their children. 

Alongside our Rosenberg dentists, parents and caregivers are the most important means of passing on dental hygiene education. With consistent effort today, you help your children develop habits that pay off with a lifetime of good oral health. 

8 Tips to Develop Good Oral Health Habits in Kids

According to a “State of Little Teeth Report” from the AAPD, roughly 1 in 5 children under 5 years old experiences tooth decay. This is a troubling number for our dental team. However, the good news is that there’s a simple way to dramatically reduce these staggering statistics. 

With regular visits to our Rosenberg dental office and good oral health habits in kids, there’s a way to slow and reverse tooth decay. Here are a few tips to help parents establish better oral hygiene in their children. 

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

As with any habit, repetition is essential for oral hygiene in kids. It helps to establish a routine and stick to it. After breakfast and before dinner, help your children through brushing and flossing. 

Infant Gum Care

For infants, it helps to wipe their gums with a clean cloth twice a day before any of their teeth start to emerge. When those teeth poke through, it’s time to brush them twice a day with a soft brush. 

First Dental Visit

The standard for dental care is to bring your child in for their first dental exam no later than their first birthday. If their teeth break through the gums beforehand, that’s when to schedule the visit. 

Monitor Their Routine

For children under the age of six, it’s important for parents and caregivers to monitor their brushing and flossing to reinforce good oral health habits in kids. At this time, they should only use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. 

Gum Care

When it comes to gum care, show your children how to brush along the gum line. Explain how this helps to keep their gums healthy. 

Focus on One Skill at a Time

While you should help them with everything, it’s important that you focus on one skill at a time. Ensure your child masters brushing before you expect them to know how to floss. Work with them at their own pace. 

Oftentimes, children need help with flossing until they reach age 10 or so. 

Lead By Example

When we instill good oral health habits in kids, it’s important for parents and caregivers to lead by example. Model solid oral hygiene for the kids, and they mimic your behavior. 


When you choose a toothpaste for your kids, look for one with fluoride. Studies show fluoride has good effects on the teeth. 

Dental Sealants

Talk to our Rosenberg dentists about dental sealants. According to the CDC, dental sealants on molars help to prevent about 80% of cavities. 

Good Oral Health Habits in Kids: How to Maintain Motivation

If you struggle with instilling good oral health habits in kids, sometimes it just takes a little extra motivation. Even adults respond positively to some added motivation as they develop new habits. Here are a few tips to help your family stay pumped for proper oral hygiene. 

  • Every three months, let your kid pick out their own toothbrush and choose their own toothpaste (from your pre-approved options).
  • Gamify your routine. Reward systems help to motivate kids (just stay clear of sugary treats or candy). 
  • Stories help in certain cases. Try dental-themed tales as you brush your teeth. 
  • Make it a group activity. When you lead by example, it helps kids mimic your behavior. 
  • Choose a kid-friendly song that lasts about two minutes and turn oral hygiene into a short party. 
  • There are plenty of options for apps that find ways to make brushing an engaging experience for kids. 
  • Set a two-minute timer and make brushing a challenge. Don’t stop until the buzzer goes off!

Rosenberg Dentists Help Establish Good Oral Health Habits in Kids

As family dentists in Rosenberg, we understand how difficult it is to start new habits with children. At times, it seems like it’ll NEVER happen. However, it’s important to stick to it. Once you establish solid oral hygiene habits, you pass on a lifetime of good dental health. 

When you need a helping hand, trust that our dental team is ready to help you out! Schedule an appointment for a checkup for your kids. At Rosenberg Dental Group, we make time to answer any questions parents have. Sometimes, instilling good oral health habits in kids is a team effort. 

We strive to provide proper dental education for all of our patients. Book an appointment today!