When you need dental tips for Invisalign, you can count on your Rosenberg orthodontists! Invisalign is an incredible orthodontic treatment that our patients love. Using clear aligner trays to straighten your teeth, you no longer have to worry about metal in your mouth or uncomfortable elastic.
When you want to be on your way to a healthier smile and a boost of confidence, Invisalign might be the best orthodontic treatment for you. This treatment is great for teens and adults able to commit to the process. It can take anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the alignment of your teeth when we begin.
For the best results, you need to maintain your new smile with retainers. For current Invisalign patients and those interested in our Rosenberg orthodontics options, here are a few dental tips for the treatment process.
Follow Instructions from Your Rosenberg Orthodontists
Your orthodontist knows what’s best for your smile. That’s why you trust in us for your orthodontic treatment. When our Invisalign patients come in for treatment, we can tell you when and how to use the aligner trays. Additionally, we can help you understand the process so that you know what you need for it to be successful.
While there are plenty of dental tips online, it’s important to trust in your Rosenberg orthodontist. If you have any questions about the process or concerns about the treatment, let us know. We know how to help you on your journey to a stunning smile. Let us guide you so that you correct alignment issues that are specific to your situation.
Keep Up with Appointments
When Invisalign patients want the treatment to be effective, it’s important that you make your scheduled appointments. Every few weeks, we’ll change your aligner trays. When you don’t keep up with this process, the treatment takes much longer than expected.
While we’re offering dental tips, we want you to know we understand how busy our patients are. However, when you don’t maintain a treatment schedule, you have to wear the aligner trays longer.
In order to maintain a good schedule, pre-schedule your appointments in advance to make sure they work around your schedule. This helps many of our patients finish their treatments on time.
Only Remove Trays to Eat, Brush, and Floss
In order to work, Invisalign trays need to be in place for about 22 hours out of the day. This means you should only remove them when you eat, brush your teeth, or floss. Most people don’t have trouble remembering to take them out, but it is important to keep in mind. When you eat with the trays in, you risk cracking or breaking them.
Keep your brushing and flossing schedule in place with your normal routine. Unlike traditional braces, all you have to do is remove the trays to clean your teeth as you normally would. Oftentimes, putting the trays back in is where our Invisalign patients have trouble. Just be sure to keep an eye on them so they don’t end up in the trash.
Wear the Trays as Long as Possible Every Day
This dental tip is a little repetitive, but it’s essential. Professionals like your Rosenberg orthodontist recommend wearing Invisalign trays for at least 22 hours per day. Whenever possible, keep them in for a majority of the day and night.
This helps the trays effectively straighten your teeth and prevents the need for additional appointments or extended treatment. Generally speaking, any discomfort from the trays is momentary. A home remedy or over-the-counter pain reliever can help reduce discomfort if it’s hard to bear.
Follow Dietary Restrictions and Dental Tips
One of the main benefits Invisalign patients love is the limited dietary restrictions involved in the dental tips. Still, it’s important to follow your Rosenberg orthodontist’s recommendations. In some cases, we might ask patients to avoid hard foods or foods that cause staining.
Additionally, many patients find that softer foods reduce the pain and tenderness that comes from newer trays. Moreover, cold foods like yogurt, ice cream, or smoothies help reduce swelling and inflammation.
Typically, the best time for Invisalign patients to ask for dental tips is around the holidays. Your Rosenberg orthodontist will be able to help you understand if there are any foods to steer clear of.
Rinse and Clean Your Aligner Trays
Because you wear Invisalign trays for long periods of time, they collect saliva and food particles. It’s entirely normal even when you maintain a good cleaning schedule. Still, it’s essential to rinse the retainers off before you put them in your mouth. Occasionally, you’ll also want to include cleaning them in your oral hygiene routine.
The best way to keep your aligner trays clean is to brush with a soft toothbrush and an abrasive toothpaste. Soaking the trays in mouthwash also helps to remove bacteria and odors that develop. However, since you need to wear them as much as possible, try to leave them soaking while you eat or brush your teeth.
Keep Your Old Trays Around
Invisalign patients use new aligner trays every few weeks. However, while it may seem unnecessary to keep your old trays when new ones arrive, it’s a good idea to keep them around. At times, new trays don’t fit properly. Moreover, they can break, crack, or get lost. If this happens, it’s good to have your last set of trays to wear until you can get a replacement.
When you have your old trays on hand, it helps to keep your treatment going and prevents the need for emergency appointments.
Interested in Invisalign? Contact Our Rosenberg Orthodontists!
Invisalign is a great option for anyone who wants a straighter smile. Luckily, maintenance doesn’t require all that many dental tips. Still, our Rosenberg orthodontists are always ready to help new patients understand the process. If you have questions about becoming one of our Invisalign patients, schedule a consultation today!
Along with great orthodontic care, we strive to provide excellent service to our patients. As Rosenberg dentists, we offer a broad spectrum of oral care. This lets us help you on your journey to a healthy, straight smile.